Read and Download Eighth Grade Bites PDF

Read and Download Eighth Grade Bites PDF

ByHeather Brewer

Eighth Grade Bites

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“A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it.” –Edward Morgan


Vladimir Tod Normal eighth-grade student? Or powerful vampire? If you thought eighth grade was tough, try it with fangs and a fear of garlic. Junior high really stinks for thirteen-year-old Vladimir Tod. Bullies harass him, the principal is dogging him, and the girl he likes prefers his best friend. Oh, and Vlad has a secret. His mother was human, but his father was a vampire. With no idea of the extent of his powers and no one to teach him, Vlad struggles daily with blood cravings and enlarged fangs. When a strange substitute teacher begins to question him a little too closely, Vlad worries that his cover is about to be blown. And then he realises he's being hunted by a vampire killer, and suddenly hunger, girls and bullies seem not quite such a problem after all.